Spring Equinox Tarot Reading 2023

by | Mar 22, 2023

Here is the collective reading for Spring Equinox, March 20, 2023. This reading uses a Spring Equinox Tarot spread from @thewordwitch

The Spring Equinox, and the pagan festival of Ostara is about fertility, renewal and the bringing of the dawn. It is about the resurgence of everything that has laid sleeping under the snow during the winter. This reading, rooted in the Ostara symbol of the egg, is designed to help you expand and unfold in all your wakening glory this Spring.

The Yolk. The Lady of Coins.

What has been gestating all winter, ready to be born? The need to focus on practical matters such as finances, education, or career has been a long time coming. You may need to be diligent and hardworking in order to achieve your goals, and you may need to pay attention to details and take a disciplined approach to your tasks in the coming months.

The Shell. Cupid: The Lovers.

What limiting beliefs are you ready to break through and leave behind? You may be feeling disconnected from your own sense of identity and purpose, which can lead to difficulties in relationships. It is time to prioritize self-love and self-care.

The Crack. 8 of Swords: the Prisoner.

How do I break through the shell and open to transformation and rebirth? You may be experiencing external obstacles or limitations, or they may be holding yourself back due to your own fears and doubts. It is time to remove the blindfold and see the situation clearly in order to find a way forward.

The Sun. The Lady of Swords.

What awakens and nourishes me this season? Activate and stimulate your mind. Allow yourself to experience beautiful works of art. Engage in intellectual pursuits such as education, research, or analytical thinking. You may need to be sharp-witted, patient and analytical in order to solve problems or overcome obstacles.

The Song. 5 of Staffs: the Hand.

How to speak my truth and embody my light this season? Stay focused and determined, and find ways to work together with others rather than engaging in a combative or competitive approach. By doing so, you can navigate through difficult situations and emerge stronger on the other side.

The Wing. 3 of Cups: the Support Group.

What new journey or opportunity invites me this Spring? Celebrate and appreciate the good things in life, and to cultivate a sense of gratitude and joy. Expand your social network: nourish yourself with a sense of connection and community with others, whether through shared experiences or relationships.

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About William Galileo

William is a natural intuitive empath. He uses the Tarot to help you gain clear insight into your life, your relationships and your livelihood.


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