Here is the collective reading for the sixth day of Yule, December 26, 2020: Boxing Day for Canada and the UK. This is reading looking at holiday depression during a season which can be challenging for many — even in a “normal” year!
- What is the weight made of? The Hanged Man, reversed, represents selfishness and self-centredness — ironically one of the core aspects of depression. We may feel small but our attention is so focussed on that very smallness and so closed to the wonders outside.
- What will help to unburden? The 7 of Cups. We are frozen in indecision and the solution is action. Stop daydreaming and start doing. Sometimes any movement or any action rather than the instinctive reaction to shrink into a ball.
- How do I access feeling of lightness? Ace of Cups. The Universe is offering you a chance. “Cups could be anything that enthrals your emotions: a new friendship, a pet, a project, or a community.” Nothing is perfection, but it is time to stop waiting for the perfect choice. Break through your depression. Take the cup.
I believe I originally got this spread from @rootlocktarot
This is a reading for a lot of people, so please use your intuition to apply it to your situation.