Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Reading

by | Feb 27, 2021 | 0 comments

Here is the collective reading for this full moon in Virgo, February 27, 2021. This reading uses a Full Moon in Virgo Tarot spread from Labyrinthos Tarot.

The Hermit here is a significator of sorts, to help us focus our thoughts on this Virgo full moon. 

The first thing you will see is that all the cards have come up reversed which indicates struggle. This reading may trigger some internal resistance and will address it directly.

Where can I be more organized?

What is messy in my life that needs more structure and process? Page of Wands, reversed. In other words, a lot. Here we see missed messages, delays and procrastination because you are giving into your fears. This lack of structure and process is taking its toll and wreaking havoc.

What in my life needs to be restructured?

What needs to be analyzed, carefully considered, and rebuilt? 5 of Wands, reversed. This indicates that you are continuing to struggle in a way that does not serve you. This does not mean that you should stop working or putting in effort. But if you continue to struggle without things working out, you are probably struggling against the flow of the universe. And you will not win that struggle.

Instead, it is time to reflect and see how the Universe has been guiding you gently (or otherwise) toward where it wants you to be. The Universe has bigger plans for you than your own small plans. It is time to step back so you can step up.

How can I step into my role as a healer?

What can I offer the world? How do I embrace it? King of Swords, reversed. I am not going to read this one for its traditional reversed meaning. This reading is clearly about struggling against the universe and its will for our lives. The Universe seems to want you to step into your own inner King of Swords. So if you stop resisting that call you will step into justice and fairness, honesty and clarity. You will let go of what you cannot control and take control where you have it.

This full moon in Virgo tarot reading is for a lot of people, so please use your intuition to apply it to your situation.

About William Galileo

William is a natural intuitive empath. He uses the Tarot to help you gain clear insight into your life, your relationships and your livelihood.


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