New Moon in Virgo Tarot Reading 2022

by | Aug 26, 2022 | 0 comments

Here is the collective reading for this New Moon in Virgo, August 27, 2022. This reading uses a New Moon in Virgo Tarot spread from @ethony.

This New Moon in Virgo shines a light on our lives and living spaces. This is a great time to clear out things we don’t want or need. What is gathering dust — metaphorically or literally? This spread is intended to help us get our $#!+ together and see what needs to be organized or purged.

How can you be of service to others?

5 of Swords. The Blacksmith. Your heart is sometimes clouded with the gloom . The road is difficult but overcoming your pessimism will help you and inspire those around you.

What needs decluttering in your life?

8 of Coins. The Coin Stamper. It’s time to cut your losses on projects you have started and lost interest in. Keep what inspires or serves you and let go of everything else.

What needs your attention?

King of Staffs. Stop dismissing your ability to motivate and uplift others. You are needed in this world.

Where do you need to get more organized?

5 of Cups. The Falling Cups. You have gone through a breakup or breakthrough but you have been slow to adapt to your new status. Pull it together, it’s time to move forward.

Where to focus your energy this season?

Knight of Swords. From now to the end of the year is a time of action. Get moving on the projects that move you. See friends, smile and laugh and have a life worth living.

This is a reading for a lot of people, so please use your intuition to apply it to your situation.

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About William Galileo

William is a natural intuitive empath. He uses the Tarot to help you gain clear insight into your life, your relationships and your livelihood.


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